Thursday, September 23, 2010

What are you waiting for?

Energy is all around us. We eat, breath and sleep energy. I love energy; most importantly I love having positive energy. No more chronic fatigue and restless nights.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my work, I am a certified Reiki Practitioner. When I started on this journey I had no clue what Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) was or it’s benefits. Since making the conscious decision to change my outlook on life I have been using Reiki as a healing tool for others and myself.

Reiki is a method of stress reduction that also promotes healing. A study done in 2007 by the National Health Interview Survey indicated that 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children had received one or more sessions of energy healing therapy such as Reiki in the previous year. According to the American Hospital Association, in 2007, 15% or over 800 American hospitals offered Reiki as part of hospital services.

These are pretty amazing results, considered the values of western medicine. For more information on Reiki and how it can benefit you and your family please check out my website

Are you ready to get your life back on track? 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Blog, First Chapter: Love yourself first

So the story begins. Hello to all my followers and those who have stumbled across my blog. This has been a long time coming for me and writing has always been a secret passion of mine (and a therapeutic tool at most). In recent months I have jumped leaps and bounds over barriers that pushed me away from being who I truly am. Who is that exactly? I am still trying to figure that out, as most of us are.

Throughout this blogging journey I hope everyone will get to know me better, until then enjoy reading :)

While on a family trip to the bookstore, I passed a book called The Power by Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret. Recognizing the authors name I picked it up and took a look. Needless to say, I started reading it...

Rhonda writes, "love is the force that moves you". She goes on to explain everything you want to be, do or have comes from love. Without love you wouldn't move. There would be no positive force to propel you to get up in the morning, to work, play, sing, dance or do anything at all. Sounds to me like we become paralyzed without love.

What's her problem? Why don't they just be happy?
How can we expect anyone to be happy if there is no Love? How can we expect anyone to be happy if they do not love themselves? It's impossible.

I call this the first chapter because this is a new chapter of my life. One where I begin to love myself first. For years I have been living in the shadows of others. Do what I think makes them happy. At the end of the day I was not happy. All the while I was trying to make others happy I forgot about myself. Once I sat back and took a look at who I really was, I realized I was no longer, if ever, in love with myself. I was unable to cope with my feelings and unable to be true to myself. The darkness lingered over me and that is when I began to stand for change.

I love myself. Just like any other relationship, I am a work in progress. Sometimes I fight with myself, then forgive myself. Hell, I even honour myself when I have done something good, for example I rewarded myself with a recent trip to North Carolina after completed my undergraduate degree in Social Work at the University of Windsor. I love myself and it shows. The relationships with my husband and children have improved, we are more connected and loving of one another.

This is what brought me to create Mindful, where I share my passion, educating others and empowering them to love themselves. I believe in love and the power of the mind. I want to share this with the world.

Stay tuned !!!

With Love,